H.B. Fuller ® Professional-Grade MMAs BETTER THAN NEW H.B. Fuller’s MMAs offer a less exothermic cure, which minimizes the risk of potential cracking in the substrates, especially with plastic joints. Our range of MMAs delivers high-strength bonding across a wide variety of material combinations, including the ability to bond two or more of the same, similar and dissi- milar substrates.
Color Key
Product Name
Fixture Time
Tensile Strength
Lap Shear Carbon Steel
Lap Shear Aluminum
Standard Sizes
Viscosity Part A
Viscosity Part B (cPs)
Mix Ratio
Open Time
Key Property
High strength, low elongation and good impact resistance High strength, low elongation and good impact resistance High strength and low elongation. Works well on g alvanized steel High strength and good elongation. Good resistance to outdoor environment conditions. High strength and low elongation. Works well on g alvanized steel
10-15 Mins
3625 to 5075 psi 3625 to 5075 psi 4350 to 5800 psi 2175 to 4350 psi 3190 to 4640 psi 1900 to 2300 psi 3190 to 4640 psi
50ml, 400ml, 5 gal pail
60,000 - 90,000
60,000 - 80,000
2 800 to 3600 psi
1 to 1
4-6 Mins
3 0 00 to 3900 psi
50ml, 400ml, 5 gal pail
60,000 - 80,000
60,000 - 90,000
1 to 1
2-3 Mins
5-6 Mins
3 0 00 to 3900 psi
2 800 to 3600 psi
16 - 23 mins 20-30 Mins 60-90 Mins
50ml, 400ml, 5 gal pail
60,000 - 80,000
60,000 - 90,000
28 00 to 3600 psi
1 to 1
5.5 - 9 Mins
3 000 to 390 0 psi
50ml, 490ml, 5 gal pail
130,000 - 180,000
4 0,000 - 80,000
2 700 to 3500 psi
10 to 1 8-14 Mins
2 7 00 to 3 4 00 psi
50ml, 400ml, 5 gal pail 50ml, 400ml, 5 gal pail 50ml, 490ml, 5 gal pail 50ml, 490ml, 5 gal pail
6 0,000 - 90,000
6 0,000 - 90,000
1 to 1
20-40 Mins
2 7 00 to 3 4 00 psi
2 500 to 3100 psi
200-300 Mins
15 0,000 - 200,000 130,000 - 180,000 1 3 0,000 - 180,000
1 5 0,000 - 200,000 4 0,000 - 80,000 2 0,000 - 40,000
Long o pen tim e, high e longation , and large gap
MP-55360 HV
1 to 1
40-50 Mins
1700 to 2300 psi
1700 to 2300 psi
High strength and good elongation. Good resistance to outdoor environment conditions. Low surface energy bonder with wide range of applications. Low o dor and non fl amable applications. O utstanding bond strength and extremely durable. High chemical resistance. Highly resistant to environment conditions
8-13 Mins
10 to 1 4-6 Mins
27 00 to 3 5 00 psi
2700 to 3500 psi
10 to 1 1-2 Mins
4 Hours
550 psi
550 psi
15-20 Mins 35-4 5 Mins
50ml, 400ml, 5 gal pail
2 0,000 - 40,000
4 0,000 - 80,000
10 to 1 7-9 Mins
2 6 00 to 31 00 psi
2 6 00 to 31 00 psi
50ml, 400ml, 5 gal pail
3190 to 4640 psi
130,000 - 180,000
4 0,000 - 80,000
10 to 1 17-24 Mins
2 6 00 to 3300 psi
2 6 00 to 3300 psi
IMPORTANT: The information contained herein is believed to be correct to the best of our knowledge. However the recommendations and suggestions herein are made without guarantee or representation as to results. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to test and determine the suitability of the product for the purchaser’s intended use and purpose. Purchaser assumes all risk and liability whatsoever regarding such suitability.Any product samples provided for testing are provided in accordance with standard limited warranties as stated on our technical data sheets. Unless otherwise noted, trademarks are property of H.B. Fuller Company or one of its affiliated entities. © H.B. Fuller Company, 2024 Note: Colors and Modification available. Please ask your sales rep about availability for each product.
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